TGLU Talk: “A Look Into the Future: Are We Ready for an Approved Therapy in Celiac Disease?” by Dr Robert Anderson

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Dr Anderson is an Australia-based gastroenterologist, translational immunologist, and pharmaceutical and diagnostic developer. Dr Anderson has a global and multi-disciplinary perspective on celiac disease. He trained in medicine and completed a doctorate in New Zealand, and then completed specialist gastroenterology training in Melbourne, Australia. His research in celiac disease began as a post-doctoral fellow at Oxford University focused on T cells and continued in Melbourne and then Boston USA designing and overseeing preclinical and clinical development of gluten-specific immunotherapy. He has led basic, preclinical and clinical research and pharmaceutical development programs focused on defining and modifying the adaptive immune response to gluten. He is a clinician-scientist who has worked closely with celiac disease patient support groups and industry. Currently, he is leading commercial development of T-cell diagnostics at Novoviah Pharmaceuticals, advises biopharmaceutical developers, and practices clinical gastroenterology at Mackay Base Hospital in Queensland, Australia. Bob is current President of the International Society for the Study of Celiac Disease.