Innovation & entrepreneurship – bringing Oxford ideas to life
09.30 am Welcome & Introduction
Dr Fiona Story, University Relationship Manager Oxford University Innovation & Dr Anne Miller, MPLS Enterprise Programme Manager.
09.40 OUI – bringing Oxford Ideas to life across the University
Dr Mark Mann, Senior Licensing and Ventures Manager & Innovation Lead, Humanities & Social Sciences, OUI. Mark will describe how OUI works with researches across the University to support them in creating impact through their work. This includes use of intellectual property in commercial interactions such as licensing, spinout formation, academic consultancy but also in new venture creation of various forms including social enterprise.
10.05 Dan Holloway – Mycelium
As winner of the 2017 OUI Humanities Innovation Challenge competition Dan has further developed Mycelium as creative thinking methodology. Dan will describe the inspiration behind Mycleium and how he has benefited from support at Oxford.
10.30 Zegami – from seed funding to partnership, spinout funding and progress
Sam Conway CEO Zegami
Zegami, an Oxford University spinout, is a unique visual search and analytics platform. It allows users to explore, search, sort, filter, group and analyse large collections of images and data in a simple and intuitive way.
10.55 Coffee break and networking
11.20 How can I develop my ideas further? Dr Anne Miller- MPLS Enterprise Programme Manager, Leah Thompson – Enterprising Oxford & Jonny Thomson from the Oxford Foundry
Giving an overview of the support that is available in the University and beyond, Anne will introduce the Enterprise training programme run by MPLS, alongside a demonstration of the Enterprising Oxford portal. MPLS work collaboratively with Enterprising Oxford, with the SBS and the team at the Oxford Foundry, who will share highlights of the activities which take place there every week throughout the year.
11.50 Getting into the entrepreneurial mindset
Professor Malcolm McCulloch, Serial Inventor & Entrepreneur
A highly engaging and interactive session, based on Malcolm’s extensive experience in ventures such as YASA Motors, Navetas, Kepler Energy and Mixergy on the fundamental questions to think about when considering starting a business venture.
12.10pm The OUI Startup Incubator
Catherine Spence, Senior Licensing and Ventures Manager & Incubator Lead, OUI.
Cath will describe the support available in the Incubator and how startups can get involved.
12.30 Q&A
12.45 Lunch and further networking in the exhibition space – your chance to meet and talk to our presenters and other Oxford entrepreneurs.
1.30pm end
16 January 2019, 9:30
Department of Earth Sciences, South Parks Road OX1 3AN
Venue Details:
Seminar Room
Various (See programme)
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Members of the University only
Alison Brindle