Health Data Science CDT - COVID-19 Data Challenge
The Health Data Science CDT students are currently working in teams to complete an intensive ‘data challenge’ on several important COVID-19 related questions using data from Oxford University Hospitals.

The groups will be presenting their findings on 17 December between 9.30am and 1pm. You are all very welcome to attend via Teams. This would be a great opportunity to hear more about the work and to get familiar with these students who will select a DPhil topic at the BDI.

9.30am – Can routinely collected patient data be used to predict who has COVID-19 before diagnostic test results are available?
10.05am – Can we predict outcomes from COVID-19 when patients are admitted to hospital?
10.40am – Has COVID-19 changed emergency surgery admissions, and how?
11.15am – How has COVID-19 changed how people come to hospital with chest pain and how has the management of heart attacks changed?
11.50am – How does COVID-19 change blood sugars, and how are people with diabetes affected by COVID-19?

Please do drop in to as much as you can and encourage others in your team who might be interested.

Link to join:
Date: 17 December 2020, 9:30 (Thursday, 10th week, Michaelmas 2020)
Venue: Venue to be announced
Speakers: Speaker to be announced
Organising department: Big Data Institute (NDM)
Part of: BDI seminars
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Hannah Freeman