“With the tragedie of...”: Tragedy as “Play-Patch” in the 1590s theatres & A Mole Upon Her Neck: Rewriting Chaste Rape in Cymbeline for Young Readers
Rachael Hodge (St John’s College): “With the tragedie of…”: Tragedy as “Play-Patch” in the 1590s theatres.

Lucy Fleming (New College): A Mole Upon Her Neck: Rewriting Chaste Rape in Cymbeline for Young Readers.

Please contact the organisers via earlymoderngraduateforum@gmail.com for the meeting details.

Conveners: Kate Allan (Exeter College) and Leah Veronese (Balliol College)
Date: 23 February 2021, 17:15
Venue: Online: Zoom
Speakers: Rachael Hodge (St John’s College), Lucy Fleming (New College)
Organiser contact email address: earlymoderngraduateforum@gmail.com
Part of: Early Modern Graduate Forum
Booking required?: Not required
Booking email: earlymoderngraduateforum@gmail.com
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Katy Terry