Breakfast Roundtable: Working with the Media
Doug Wigdor is a St Cross alumnus and top New York employment Lawyer. Wigdor has been at the forefront of some of the most widely publicized sexual harassment and sexual assault cases that have made headline news around the world.

Join Doug Wigdor for a breakfast roundtable discussing working with the media: the do’s and don’ts, the risk and rewards of working with the Press.

The truth is, if your client is high-profile in society, and if the matter is at all made public, he or she will be “on trial by media”, whether he/she is plaintiff, defendant, witness, or oblique to the formal legal proceedings. Another truth is that the media – in the Twitter-verse this surely includes “the third estate” – can be your best ally, your worst enemy, or just another one of the arrows in your quiver. In no case, however, should one lose sight of their client’s best interests, and here we will discuss how to keep the media in proper perspective vis-à-vis their client engagement.

This event is open to all current University of Oxford members. It will take place in the St Cross College Cafe.
Date: 4 December 2019, 8:30
Venue: St Cross College, St Giles OX1 3LZ
Venue Details: St Cross College Cafe, St Cross College
Speaker: Doug Wigdor (St Cross College)
Organiser: St Cross College
Part of: St Cross College: Professionals in Residence
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Annabelle Saunders