Christianity and the Crisis of Liberalism
Western liberalism has entered a crisis unprecedented in the post-war era, according to a broad range of contemporary observers. What is the nature of this crisis, and how should Christians respond to it? Catholic writers in the United States have proposed a number of “options”: a “Benedict Option” of retreat and rebuilding; an “Esther Option” of infiltrating the administrative state and turning it to Christian purposes, and a “Gregorian Option” of reviving a liberalism friendlier to religious ways of life.
Date: 21 May 2018, 17:00
Venue: Blackfriars, St Giles OX1 3LY
Venue Details: Aula
Speakers: Dr Jenna Storey (Furman University ), Dr Benjamin Storey (Furman University )
Organising department: Faculty of Theology and Religion
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?: Required
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Audience: Public
Editor: Andreia Gomes Da Costa Leite