Vectors, rasters and voxels: how to simulate evolving digital terrain models of the coast
Currently, coastal flooding in the UK costs £320m annually: this is 24% of the total Expected Annual Damage due to all sources of flooding. Scenario analyses of future coastal flood risk are hindered by a useful but over-simple assumption: that of non-evolving coastal morphology (aka ‘bathtub analysis’). To move forward, we urgently need a new generation of simulation models. These must be able to capture the dynamic behaviour of UK coastlines: in particular, coastal responses to human interventions such as removal of hard defences, mega beach nourishments, etc.
Drawing on insights from a wide range of modelling and model integration approaches, Andres Payo and David Favis-Mortlock argue that it is time to rethink the way we conceptualize the evolving coastal landscape, and present a new framework for representing dynamic coastline behaviour: CoastalME (Coastal Modelling Environment).
About the speakers
Andres Payo leads the research on coastal resilience and geohazards at the British Geological Survey. He is a former member of staff of the Environmental Change Institute at Oxford University and is the principal driving force behind CoastalME. David Favis-Mortlock, is an Honorary Research Associate at Oxford University’s Environmental Change Institute, with a background in geomorphological modelling, particularly self-organisation of complex systems.
9 October 2017, 13:00
Dyson Perrins Building, off South Parks Road OX1 3QY
Venue Details:
Beckit Rm
Dr Dave Favis-Mortlock (University of Oxford),
Dr Andres Payo (British Geological Survey)
Alastair Strickland (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address:
Part of:
Oxford Water Network
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Not required
Alastair Strickland