"Byron as Others"
Alexandra Harris is unfortunately unable to give us her paper in fifth week, which has been re-scheduled to later in the year. Instead we are very pleased to welcome Madeleine Callaghan (University of Sheffield), currently a Visiting Fellow at the Bodleian Library, who is speaking on “Byron as Others”.
Date: 13 February 2024, 17:30
Venue: Balliol College, Broad Street OX1 3BJ
Venue Details: The Massey Room
Speaker: Madeleine Callaghan (University of Sheffield)
Organising department: Faculty of English Language and Literature
Organisers: Prof Fiona Stafford (University of Oxford), Professor Seamus Perry (University of Oxford)
Part of: Romantic Research Seminar
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editors: Katy Terry, Hope Lukonyomoi-Otunnu