Law, Ethnography, and Identity

Clara Almagro Vidal, ‘Religious Minorities’ Identity and the Application of Law: A First Approximation to the Lands of Military Orders in Castile’, in Law and Religious Minorities in Medieval Societies: Between Theory and Practice, edited by Ana Echevarría, Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala and John V. Tolan (2016), 197-210

Ângela Barreto Xavier, ‘Conversos and Novamente Convertidos: Law, Religion and Identity in the Portuguese Kingdom and Empire’, Journal of Early Modern History (2011): 255–287

Tamar Herzog, ‘Identities and Processes of Identification in the Atlantic World’, in Handbook of the Atlantic World c. 1450-c. 1820, edited by Nicholas Canny and Philip Morgan (2011), 480–495