Oxford Air Quality Meeting

Drawing together experts in vehicle emissions, air quality measurement, public health, and policy.

The Oxford Air Quality Meeting aims to draw together four different groups of people

People who measure and know about air quality People who know about how vehicles emit People who understand the effects of air pollution on humans People trying to implement in the real-world solutions

The aim is to facilitate interactions and discussions across a wide range of stake holders in the air quality field. Recent advances in real driving emissions measurement mean that greater understanding of roadside vehicle emissions is being developed. In addition low cost air quality sensing and an increasing insight into how various pollutants effect humans mean that the evidence base is growing rapidly. The Oxford Air Quality Meeting will bring together all of these groups, alongside policy makers to enable future improvements in Air Quality.

Conference Sessions:

09:00 – Welcome – Cllr Tom Hayes (Cabinet Member for Zero Carbon Oxford – Oxford City Council)
09:10 – Opening Keynote – Prof. Martin Williams (King’s College London) – UK Clean Air Champion

Session 1 – Air Quality and measurement
09:40 – Roy Harrison (University of Birmingham) – “Non-exhaust emissions from road traffic”
10:00 – Brian Stacey (Ricardo Energy & Environment) – “Ultrafine Particle measurements – comparison of road traffic and airport environments”
10:20 – David Carslaw (University of York) – “The European NO2 problem – insights from vehicle emission remote sensing”
10:40 – Eloise Marais (University of Leicester) – “Monitoring the efficacy of emission mitigation strategies in cities using instruments in space”


Session 2 – Emissions
11:30 – Nick Molden (AIR Alliance) – “Solving poor air quality quickly and fairly: how the consequences of Dieselgate have been misunderstood”
11:50 – Gautam Kalghatgi (University of Oxford) – “Is it really the end of the internal combustion engine and petroleum in transport?”
12:10 – Mark Peckham (Cambustion) – “NOx pollution “hot spots” measured on-board a variety of passenger vehicles”
12:30 – David Thackray (Tevva) – Title tbc


Session 3 – Health Effects & Communication
13:50 – Karen Exley (Public Health England) – Title tbc
14:10 – Clare Heaviside (University of Oxford) – “Air pollution and health in the UK, and the impact of policy measures over the last 50 years”
14:30 – Chris Large (Global Action Plan) – “Being the most powerful clean air movement we can be”
14:50 – Corrine Wilkins (DEFRA) – “Overcoming barriers in communicating on air quality”


Session 4 – Implementation
15:40 – Catherine Westoby (Transport for London) – “Tackling London’s air pollution crisis: the introduction of the Ultra Low Emission Zone and other measures”
16:00 – Mai Jarvis (Oxford City Council) – “Going for Zero”
16:20 – Jake Backus (Empathy Sustainability) – “The OxAIR project”
16:40 – Phil James (University of Newcastle) – “From compliance to observation: learning from the Internet of Things in our cities”