Icons of Christian humanism – Oxford Jesuits: Plater
Considered by some of the older generation to be something of a rebel, Fr Charles Plater SJ (1875-1920) was best known as a vigorous promoter of Catholic social teaching and action and an early promoter of the working men’s retreat movement. He was Master of Campion Hall from 1916 to a few months before his premature death in 1920. His life and thought remain a powerful challenge to us today.
Date: 23 May 2023, 20:00
Venue: Blue Room (please note: the room is on the first floor of the Old Palace and there is no lift)
Speaker: Fr Matthew Power SJ (Oxford University Catholic Chaplaincy)
Organisers: Oxford University Catholic Chaplaincy, Campion Hall
Organiser contact email address: alvea.fernandes@cathchap.ox.ac.uk
Host: Oxford University Catholic Chaplaincy
Booking required?: Required
Booking email: alvea.fernandes@cathchap.ox.ac.uk
Audience: Public
Editor: Alvea Fernandes