Oxford Parkinson’s Disease Centre (OPDC) Open Day
Tickets for the day are free, but there is a limited number available. Tickets include lunch and other refreshments. If you would like to know more information about the event, getting to the event, travel expenses or anything else to do with the day, then please feel free to call the OPDC office on 01865 234769. There will be an agenda of the day available nearer the event.
The OPDC team would cordially like to invite members of the public to the Oxford Parkinson’s Disease Centre (OPDC) Open Day! The previous open day was before the pandemic, and we could not be more excited to host a day to showcase a snippet of the research that is going on in the Parkinson’s World!
There will be various talks throughout the day from people who are specialists in their fields, and this will include, but not limited to, clinicians, practitioners, statisticians and students.
Date: 5 June 2023, 10:00
Venue: This event will be held in voco Oxford Spires Hotel, Abingdon Rd, OX1 4PS.
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organising department: Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Organiser: Jessica (Welch)
Host: Professor Michele Hu (University of Oxford)
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/oxford-parkinsons-disease-centre-open-day-tickets-596775751337
Audience: Public
Editor: Lorraine Dyson