The BLACK-ARTS study: Creative Arts Therapies as a tool for flourishing
If you are in Oxford, do join us at the Centre, otherwise feel free to join remotely using the following zoom link:

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Meeting ID: 852 8553 1740
Passcode: 911647
Date: 11 March 2025, 14:00
Venue: Stoke House, Linacre College, 7 Stoke Pl, Headington, Oxford OX3 9BX
Speaker: Briana Applewhite (University of Oxford)
Organising department: Department of Psychiatry
Organisers: Prof Morten Kringelbach (Professor of Neuroscience, University of Oxford), Katarina Jerotic (University of Oxford), Professor Morten Kringelbach, Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow, (University Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address:
Host: Katarina Jerotic (University of Oxford)
Part of: Interdisciplinary talks at Centre for Eudaimonia and Human Flourishing
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Public
Editors: Katarina Jerotic, Morten Kringelbach