“We need to talk about complexity”
People are complex. Many healthcare interventions are complex. Health systems are complex. To address grand challenges and wicked problems, we must embrace and manage this complexity.

This workshop, convened by Trish Greenhalgh and colleagues and sponsored by Green Templeton College, will bring together scholars from a wide range of disciplines within and beyond the healthcare field to consider different approaches to the study of complexity. We aim to produce a collection of papers for submission to an academic journal.

Guest speakers will include Penny Hawe (University of Sydney) and Mark Petticrew (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine). There will also be 20-minute oral presentations and posters.

The workshop, and dinner on the 13th, is free. Doctoral students may claim travel and accommodation. To be considered for the workshop, submit a 300-word abstract to complexity@gtc.ox.ac.uk by 31st December. We are seeking a mix of disciplinary perspectives and both theoretical and empirical studies. Successful applicants will be notfied by mid-January 2017.

We anticipate high interest in this workshop
Date: 13 June 2017, 13:30 (Tuesday, 8th week, Trinity 2017)
Venue: Green Templeton College, Woodstock Road OX2 6HG
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organiser: Prof Trish Greenhalgh (University of Oxford)
Booking required?: Recommended
Booking url: https://www.phc.ox.ac.uk/events/we-need-to-talk-about-complexity
Audience: Public
Editors: Dan Richards-Doran, Jessy Morton