Seeing into the heart of a planet: InSights from the Martian core
How big is the Martian core? What is its composition? How does it compare to Earth’s core? The Nasa-led InSight mission placed the first seismometer on the surface of Mars, collecting data for four years, allowing us to develop new answers to these important questions. In this seminar I will talk about how seismic data from Mars, together with research from mineral physics and cosmochemistry, have helped us to look deep into Mars’s core. The seminar will address how the first seismically-informed models of the whole planet were built, as well as their implications for our understanding of core composition and evolution.
Date: 14 February 2025, 12:00
Venue: Department of Earth Sciences, South Parks Road OX1 3AN
Venue Details: Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Dr Jessica Irving (University of Bristol)
Organising department: Department of Earth Sciences
Part of: Earth Sciences departmental seminars
Booking required?: Not required
Booking url:
Audience: Public
Editor: Maria Petrunova