The impact of hosting refugees on the intra-household allocation of tasks: A gender perspective
This presentation discusses the impacts of refugees on the hosting populations. This is a growing literature and previous studies have looked at the impacts on labour markets, welfare, subjective wellbeing, health, housing etc. This particular study takes a step further and examines whether the gendered impacts of hosting refugees by looking at whether the presence of refugees alters the intra-household allocation of tasks across genders in the hosting population. Using panel data (pre- and post-refugee inflow) from Kagera, a rural region of Tanzania, the study finds that the refugee shock led to women being less likely to engage in employment outside the household and more likely to engage in household chores relative to men. This is probably the result of the environmental degradation that accompanied the arrival of refugees and the additional competition for natural resources such as wood and water. However, the results differ by (pre-shock) literacy and maths skill. For women who could read and perform simple written mathematical operations the refugee shock resulted in a higher likelihood of engaging in outside employment. On the other hand, higher exposure to the refugee shock resulted in illiterate women being more likely to engage in farming and household chores.
29 November 2018, 18:15
Rewley House, 1-7 Wellington Square OX1 2JA
Venue Details:
Mawby Pavillion
Dr Isabel Ruiz (Harris Manchester College / Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford)
Organising department:
Department for Continuing Education
Liz Sanders (Department for Continuing Education)
Organiser contact email address:
Part of:
Graduate seminar programme in the social sciences
Booking required?:
Not required
Members of the University only
Liz Sanders