Growing up in Science event with Prof Mark Humphries
Growing up in science is a conversation series featuring personal narratives of becoming and being a scientist, with a focus on the unspoken challenges of a life in science. Growing up in Science was started in 2014 at New York University and is now worldwide.
At a typical Growing up in Science event, one faculty member shares their life story, with a focus on struggles, failures, doubts, detours, and weaknesses. Common topics include dealing with expectations, impostor syndrome, procrastination, luck, rejection, conflicts with advisors, and work-life balance, life outside academia but these topics are always embedded in the speaker’s broader narrative.
Date: 4 December 2020, 15:00
Venue: Held on Zoom
Speaker: Prof. Mark Humphries (University of Nottingham)
Organiser: Cortex Club (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Subscriber's to the Cortex club mailing list. Please see details on how to subscribe at
Editors: Tara Diviney, Jasper Hunt