WEH/Ethox Seminar - The ethics of challenge trials for SARS-CoV-2 vaccines
The talk will review the case for-, and the arguments that were made against- challenge trials for efficacy testing of COVID vaccines.
This seminar will be held on Zoom, please register here: medsci.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcpd-GuqjoiEtN0XF-dpK4Q-p1sMEaj_b64
Date: 10 March 2021, 14:30
Venue: Venue to be announced
Speaker: Professor Nir Eyal (Rutgers Center for Population-Level Bioethics)
Organiser: Christa Henrichs (Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities)
Part of: Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities and Ethox Centre
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Hannah Freeman