Oxford's War: County, City, and University, 1939-45
From Dunkirk evacuees to intelligence-gathering and atom bomb research, Oxford had a distinctive Second World War experience. Focusing on the University though embracing the city and the surrounding countryside, this talk explores major themes in the author’s forthcoming book, Oxford’s War, to be published by the Bodleian Library

Kellogg Visiting Fellow and author, Prof Ashley Jackson will present the talk.

This event is open to the public. Refreshments will be served after the talk.

Bletchley Park Week:

This event is part of our annual Bletchley Park Week programme of events celebrating a partnership between Oxford and Bletchley Park. This year’s event is entitled Oxford, British universities, and the Second World War: Intelligence and Beyond
Date: 24 February 2023, 15:30 (Friday, 6th week, Hilary 2023)
Venue: Mawby Room and online
Speaker: Ashley Jackson (King’s College, London)
Organiser contact email address: events@kellogg.ox.ac.uk
Part of: Bletchley Park Week
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/oxfords-war-county-city-and-university-1939-45-tickets-525432571967
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Penny Rudling