Wellbeing: Thrive at Oxford
Wellbeing: Thrive at Oxford: Frances Parkes, Wellbeing Programme Manager

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Each PoPoH session covers:

a brief overview of career and training support available to postdocs and other research staff across the University
a 30-minute lecture by an expert on the session’s theme
a Career Chat where a Careers Adviser for Research Staff will address careers concerns and questions
ideas for simple things you can do now for your career and work/life balance

Date: 6 December 2024, 11:00
Venue: Online
Speaker: Frances Parkes (Wellbeing Programme Manager, Wellbeing Programme, Human Resources, UAS)
Organising department: Careers Service
Organisers: Dr Susan Black (Oxford University Careers Service), Dr Anne Wolfes (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address: susan.black@careers.ox.ac.uk
Part of: Postdoc Power Hour (PoPoH)
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Fiona Sinclair