SSD Impact Café - Session 6
Join us to hear the diverse and inspiring stories of the O2RB Excellence in Impact Award Winners 2021, as they reflect upon the significant impacts they achieved through a range of knowledge exchange and engagement activities. In a relaxed, discussion format we will hear from social science researchers from across the O2RB partnership (University of Oxford, Oxford Brookes University, Open University and University of Reading). Each week two different researchers will share their experiences and learnings, and attendees will have the opportunity to shape the conversation with their own questions and comments.
Date: 28 June 2022, 11:00
Venue: Zoom
Speakers: Dr Francesca Lessa (Oxford Department of International Development and Oxford School of Global and Area Studies, University of Oxford), Professor Alex Betts (Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford)
Organising department: Social Sciences Division
Organiser: Rebecca Launchbury (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address:
Host: Irini Tseminidou (University of Oxford)
Part of: SSD Impact Café
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Booking email:
Cost: Free
Audience: Researchers from the University of Oxford should register using the link above. Researchers from Oxford Brookes University, Open University and University of Reading should register by emailing and stating which session(s) they would like to attend.
Editors: Elizabeth Crawford, Rebecca Launchbury, Alison Crompton