'The Death of the ICC? The Politics of International Criminal Justice in Africa'
NB: Please note the time/venue change! Due to increased demand, the event will take place at 2-4pm in The Cube seminar room. Discussants: Prof Payam Akhavan (McGill) and Dr Holly Porter (LSE) Co-hosted with the Oxford Central Africa Forum * A light sandwich lunch is served from 2pm outside of The Cube*
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is struggling at every level of its operations in Africa – in terms of its investigations, prosecutions, and relations with domestic governments, judiciaries and affected communities. This raises key questions about whether, after 16 years of consistent shortcomings and mounting frustration even among some of its most ardent supporters, the Court can survive. A central cause of the ICC’s travails is its remoteness from the societies in which it operates. The Court’s conceptual and practical ‘distance’ from the places where crimes are committed greatly undermines its effectiveness and requires a major rethink about how international criminal justice is conducted, especially in the Global South. This presentation lays out the main arguments of my new book, Distant Justice: The Impact of the International Criminal Court on African Politics (Cambridge University Press), and draws on 20 months of fieldwork in central Africa and The Hague since 2006, including 650 interviews with ICC officials, domestic political, legal and civil society actors, and local communities.
Date: 26 November 2018, 14:00
Venue: St Cross Building, St Cross Road OX1 3UR
Venue Details: The Cube (Law Faculty)
Speakers: Dr Phil Clark (SOAS), Prof Payam Akhavan (McGill University), Dr Holly Porter (LSE)
Organising department: Centre for Criminology
Organiser: Oxford Transitional Justice Research (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address: ivo.gruev@law.ox.ac.uk
Hosts: Barnaby Dye (University of Oxford ), Ivo Gruev (University of Oxford )
Part of: Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) Seminar Series
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Public
Editor: Ivo Gruev