Living Emergency: Israel's Permit Regime in the Occupied West Bank
Yael Berda will present the fourth chapter (titled “Effective Inefficiency”) of her book Living Emergency (Stanford University Press 2017), showing how the bureaucracy of the occupation, based on restrictions of movement through emergency law affected and shaped Palestinian daily life in the West Bank by disorientation, atomization, and routinization of emergency. Administrative flexibility and the wide discretion of clerks who actually made law during the permit process produced a different kind of bureaucracy, where contradictory decisions, overlapping policies, and secret information turned freedom of movement into an unknown variable in Palestinian life across Israel and the Occupied Territories. Attempts of international and human rights organizations to standardize practices helped develop the permit regime, while resistance to life in the emergency took various forms. People found ways to obtain permits, broke pathways into Israel and across the separation wall, and challenged the Shin Bet classifications in the High Court. showing how the bureaucracy of the occupation, based on restrictions of movement through emergency law shaped Palestinian daily life in the West Bank by disorientation, atomization, and routinization of emergency. Administrative flexibility and the wide discretion of clerks who actually made law during the permit process produced a different kind of bureaucracy, where contradictory decisions, overlapping policies, and secret information turned freedom of movement into an unknown variable in Palestinian life across Israel and the Occupied Territories. Attempts of international and human rights organizations to standardize practices actually helped develop the permit regime, while resistance to life in the emergency took various forms. People found ways to obtain permits, broke pathways into Israel and across the separation wall, and challenged the Shin Bet classifications in the High Court.
Yael Berda is Assistant Professor of Sociology and Anthropology at Hebrew University and Academy Scholar for International and Area Studies at Harvard University.
2 March 2021, 14:15
Professor Yael Berda (Hebrew University)
Organising department:
Oxford School of Global and Area Studies
Professor Yaacov Yadgar
Organiser contact email address:
Professor Yaacov Yadgar
Part of:
Israel Studies Seminar Hilary Term 2021
Booking required?:
Not required
Stephen Minay