Culture and Technology
The event will begin with a 20 minute presentation by Dr Maria Blanco (Associate Professor in Spanish and co-investigator in the Science in Text and Culture in Latin America research network), followed by three c. 8 minute responses from: Professor Lionel Tarassenko (Head of Engineering, University of Oxford) Professor Fritz Vollrath (Academic Research Leader, Zoology and Head of the Oxford Silk Group) Professor Andrew Wilson (Head of the School of Archaeology and Professor of the Archaeology of the Roman Empire) The discussion will be chaired by Professor Gregory Radick (Professor of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Leeds and Director, Leeds Humanities Research Institute). Lunch will be available from 12:45, with the discussion beginning at 13:00. Booking is not required. This seminar is part of the Humanities and Science: In Conversation series, which invites leading scholars and practitioners in the sciences and humanities to identify the shared methodological roots of their particular disciplines and explore how these points of convergence can be used to address current questions in their fields.
9 March 2015, 13:00
Radcliffe Humanities, Woodstock Road OX2 6GG
Venue Details:
Seminar Room
Andrew Wilson,
Fritz Vollrath,
Gregory Radick,
Lionel Tarassenko,
Maria Blanco
Part of:
Humanities and Science
Booking required?:
Not required
Members of the University only