Can qualitative longitudinal research offer a window into the ‘shared typical’? Aggregating lived experiences of punitive welfare conditionality
***Please note registration closes on 18 May***
Qualitative studies usually provide rich insights based on small-scale in-depth snapshots. Findings are accepted within study-specific confines, with little attempt to establish inference beyond the original contexts of people and place. In the quest for originality, researchers de-emphasise commonality and continuity. But does qualitative research only produce ‘little islands of knowledge’ (Glaser and Strauss, 1971: 181)? Or can multiple studies jointly reveal parts of a coherent bigger picture that lurks behind? This seminar reflects on the major qualitative longitudinal ESRC Welfare Conditionality Study (2014–19) to explore the untapped potential for identifying repeat patterns of lived experiences that may be strong enough to constitute a ‘shared typical’ (Williams, 1961: 48).
Date: 20 May 2021, 16:00
Venue: Zoom- See below for registration details
Speaker: Prof Sharon Wright (School of Social & Political Sciences, University of Glasgow)
Organising department: Department of Social Policy and Intervention
Organiser: Dr Mark Fransham (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address:
Host: Dr Mark Fransham (University of Oxford)
Part of: Modern methods in social policy and intervention research
Booking required?: Required
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Cost: FREE
Audience: Public
Editor: Lani Fukada