Advancing in Academia Roundtable
To begin the term’s reading group, we will have a roundtable discussion regarding career-building in academia. We will hear from panellists on topics such as publishing, funding, fellowships, and more. Roundtable panellists include
Barnabas Balint (DPhil in History, Magdalen College; Holocaust Memorial Day Trust and British Association of Holocaust Studies)
Rachel Sloth-Neilsen (DPhil in Law, St. Anne’s College; Lecturer at Oxford Brookes)
Hannah Scheithauer (DPhil in Comparative Language, The Queen’s College; Lecturer at Jesus College)
Date: 3 May 2022, 17:00
Venue: Magdalen College, High Street OX1 4AU
Speakers: Barnabas Balint (Magdalen), Rachel Sloth-Neilsen (St Anne's), Hannah Scheithauer (Queen's)
Part of: Oxford Holocaust Studies Reading Group
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editors: Laura Spence, Belinda Clark