Oxford Nature Conservation Society Symposium: Providing for the planet without costing the earth
The symposium focuses on ecosystem services including food security, sustainable fisheries, and green forestry, with talks by leading academics and environmentalists including Charles Godfray, Ian Bateman and Catherine Redgwell. See the attached programme for a full list of topics and speakers.
Date: 12 November 2016, 9:00 (Saturday, 5th week, Michaelmas 2016)
Venue: Oxford Martin School
Speakers: Speaker to be announced
Organiser contact email address: ben.balmford@gmail.com
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ouncs-symposium-providing-for-the-planet-without-costing-the-earth-tickets-27657553487
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Alice Chautard