The Lunchtime Lab Talks aim to introduce and highlight the broad spectrum of research that is carried out at the Centre and encourage multidisciplinary interactions. Throughout the year, groups are invited to speak and present their work to our community.
Lunch is available from 12:00 in the canteen and talks run from 12:30–13:30 in Room A&B.
Knight Group
Speaker 1: Eleanor Karp-Tatham
Title: ‘Are there genetic drivers to low response to vaccination? Insights from the COvid-19 Vaccine Immune Genetics (COVIG) study.’
Speaker 2: Sam Farrar
Title: ‘Comparing the evolution of Spike and non-Spike specific CD8+ T-cells in Breakthrough SARS-CoV2 Infection’
Uhlig Group
Speaker: Ying Ka Lam (Mandy)
Title: ‘Short chain fatty acids modulate antimicrobial activity in macrophages’