Good grammar and the law
Ben Staveley is a crusader for good writing and grammar with a legal background. He was a tax partner at Freshfields for fifteen years, where he became convinced that the firm’s reputation would stand or fall by the quality of its writing. Since then, he’s made excellence in writing his personal and professional pursuit. He currently works at the University of Southampton where he teaches writing to law students and as an independent consultant, helping law firms and other businesses who want to achieve written excellence. He is also the author of Faultless Grammar: the busy lawyer’s reminder guide.
Mr Staveley will offer a light-hearted discussion of what makes good writing and grammar, how students in any discipline can improve their writing skills, and what may be at stake, legally speaking, in a single comma.
This talk is part of the Oxford Study Skills Centre’s Michaelmas ‘19 Talk Series.
4 December 2019, 17:30
Lady Margaret Hall, Norham Gardens OX2 6QA
Venue Details:
Talbot Hall
Ben Staveley
Oxford Study Skills Centre
Organiser contact email address:
Part of:
Oxford Study Skills Centre Michaelmas '19 Talk Series
Booking required?:
Not required
Cameron Ott