Laura Coppinger (soprano) & David Palmer (piano)
Soprano, Laura Coppinger, and pianist, David Palmer, perform Libby Larsen’s Try me, Good King, a song cycle setting the last known words of the first five wives of Henry VIII, amongst retrospective settings of poets and playwrights from the Tudor period.

Beginning with an introduction at 6.30pm by Emma Smith, Professor of Shakespeare Studies at the University of Oxford and Fellow of Hertford College, this event will delight the senses. The concert programme begins at 7.30pm.
Date: 29 April 2022, 18:30
Venue: Jacqueline du Pré Music Building
Speaker: Emma Smith (Fellow and Tutor in English, University of Oxford)
Organising department: St Hilda's College
Organiser: St Hilda's College
Organiser contact email address:
Host: St Hilda's College
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Book tickets: £20 Stalls / £25 Gallery / £5 Student
Audience: Public
Editor: Claire Harvey