Genetic Design Competition INFO SESSION
Can you build a biological system to switch on and off? To pulse after a delay? What about an artificial circadian clock?

Axel Nystrom will introduce a local competition for Synthetic Biologists to create genetic circuits that solve specific design goals. Starting in mid-November, participants will form teams and design circuits in silico which will be built and tested remotely – no wetlab work required! No sweat! No entry fee!

To learn more and get involved, come along at 5pm-6pm, 10/11/16, Lecture Room 2, IEB, Engineering Dept, Parks Road
Date: 10 November 2016, 17:00
Venue: Thom Building, Parks Road OX1 3PJ
Venue Details: Lecture Room 2
Speaker: Axel Nystrom
Part of: SynBio.Oxford
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: James Scott-Brown