Infrastructure Investment in Emerging Markets and Developing Economies - Systems Thinking for New Institutions and Global Challenges

Status: This talk is in preparation - details may change

The world’s Emerging Markets and Developing Economies (EMDEs) currently face a considerable and daunting infrastructure deficit. While challenging, the deficit presents a unique opportunity for investors to diversify their current OECD portfolio and to seek new sources of investment return by investing in dynamic markets with faster growing economies. The OXIIEMDE workshop brings together more than 30 of the world’s leading experts from international organisations, academia and financial institutions to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing infrastructure investment in EMDEs. Across the spectrum of issues to be addressed, the OXIIEMDE workshop will tackle the critical dynamics of:
How multilateral financial institutions can function as platforms to mobilise private sector and institutional investors alike to facilitate infrastructure investment in EMDEs.
How investors can transition from isolated ‘projects-thinking’ approaches to cohesive ‘systems-thinking’ and by doing so, fully appraise the macro-economic, societal and environmental dynamics of these emerging infrastructure investment pathways.