The author and journalist Mariana Enriquez, in conversation with Ben Bollig (Spanish Sub-faculty)

Mariana Enriquez was born in 1973 in Buenos Aires. She holds a degree in Journalism and works as subeditor of the cultural supplement Radar for the newspaper Página/12 and also teaches journalism at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Her works include include the novels Bajar es lo peor (Espasa Calpe, 1995- Galerna, 2013), Cómo desaparecer completamente (Emecé, 2004) and Este es el mar (Random House, 2017); the short story collections Los peligros de fumar en la cama (Emecé, 2009-Anagrama 2017), Cuando hablábamos con los muertos (Montacerdos, Chile, 2013) and Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego (Anagrama, 2016); the nouvelle Chicos que vuelven (Eduvim, 2010); a travelogue, Alguien camina sobre tu tumba. Mis viajes a cementerios (Galerna, 2013-Laguna Libros 2017); and a biography of Silvina Ocampo, La hermana menor. Un retrato de Silvina Ocampo (Ediciones UDP, Chile, 2014- Anagrama, 2018). Las cosas que perdimos en el fuego has been translated into 22 langauges, and won the Ciutat de Barcelona prize in 2016 as well as the 3rd National Prize for Short Stories in Argentina. Her works have appeared in Granta, The New Yorker, Freeman’s and Electric Literature.