iSkills for Medicine: An introduction to science communication: Translating your research for a non-specialist audience
Are you looking to learn about the ways in which to transmit scientific ideas and make your research accessible to a non-specialist audience through a variety of mediums? This session will serve as an introduction to science communication and how it can be successfully incorporated into our roles. By the end of this session you will be able to: define science communication and provide a list of examples; explain why science communication is important for both our CPD and the public; and list ways in which we can all get involved in science communication.

Intended audience: Students, staff and researchers from MSD and OUH.
Date: 29 April 2025, 10:00
Venue: Online via Microsoft Teams
Speaker: Hannah McGivern (Bodleian Health Care Libraries, University of Oxford)
Organising department: Bodleian Research and Learning Support
Organiser contact email address:
Part of: Bodleian iSkills for Medical Sciences and OUH Trust - workshops in information discovery and reference management for the Medical Sciences
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: Free
Audience: Members of the University of Oxford, Oxford University Hospitals and Bodleian reader card holders.
Editors: Helen Bond, Melanie Smith