Pathways through HE of care experienced young people in England in 1997 birth cohort
We will report early steps in linking across five datasets (CLA, CIN , NPD, ILR and HESA) to construct longitudinal data on a single cohort of young people born between 1st September 1998 and 31st August 1999. The study will address the question of how different groups of young people with experience of social services differ in their progression to HE compared to each other and their peers. In the presentation, we will describe progress in deriving analytic variables from raw variables, linking data through the SRS, and addressing conceptual and statistical challenges of modelling pathways to and through HE.

Zoom link:
Date: 26 February 2024, 12:45
Venue: 15 Norham Gardens, 15 Norham Gardens OX2 6PY
Venue Details: Seminar Room A and online
Speakers: Professor Leon Feinstein (University of Oxford), Dr Steve Peck (University of Oxford)
Organising department: Department of Education
Organiser: Dr Lars-Erik Malmberg (University of Oxford)
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Public
Editors: Hannah Freeman, Heather Sherkunov