Prescribing Nature: Understanding what happens when we see, touch and smell nature
Katherine Willis CBE is Professor of Biodiversity at the University of Oxford and is Principal of St Edmund Hall. She is also a crossbench peer in the House of Lords. Her research falls into two categories. First, she aims to understand how plant biodiversity responds, over time and space, from years to millions of years and from local to global scales, to climate change and other environmental drivers. Second, she researches the flow and extent of critical ecosystem services that we obtain from plant biodiversity, such as the drawdown of atmospheric CO2, flood risk protection, clean water, soil erosion protection, and important spaces for enhancing physical and mental wellbeing.

This talk will focus on the evidence for the relationship between people’s time spent in nature, and the health and wellbeing benefits this can bring. This lecture is online, you will receive joining details after you register.
Date: 26 October 2023, 19:00 (Thursday, 3rd week, Michaelmas 2023)
Venue: Online via Zoom
Speaker: Prof Kathy Willis (University of Oxford)
Organiser: Dr Lauren Baker (Oxford Botanic Garden and Arboretum)
Organiser contact email address:
Part of: OBGA Autumn Science Lectures 2023
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Cost: FREE
Audience: Public
Editor: Ella Bedrock