Oxford University Innovation presents - An Introduction to Undertaking Expert Witness Consultancy from Bond Solon
The session is open to researchers from all departments but is intended for PIs (or non-PI researchers who have already been approached about undertaking expert witness consulting).
During this webinar you will find out:

What is an expert witness?
Why are they needed?
What are their obligations?
What does the court expect?
What do the lawyers want?
What are the dangers? (common pitfalls)

The session is open to researchers from all departments but is intended for PIs (or non-PI researchers who have already been approached about undertaking expert witness consulting). The session will be geared towards those who are new to expert witness consultancy but could be a useful refresher for someone who has done expert witness work in the past. Bond Solon will offer a 10% discount to anyone who attends and wishes to book one of their one-day expert witness courses: www.bondsolon.com/expert-witness/courses.

The event will take place online using a virtual meeting platform. We will send a links to all registered participants shortly before the session begins.
Date: 30 September 2020, 10:00
Venue: Webinar login details will be sent to registrants nearer the time
Speaker: Nick Deal (Bond Solon)
Organising department: Oxford University Innovation Ltd.
Organisers: Kerry Antcliffe (Oxford University Innovation), Sally Sheard (Oxford University Innovation)
Organiser contact email address: sally.sheard@innovation.ox.ac.uk
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/an-introduction-to-undertaking-expert-witness-consultancy-from-bond-solon-tickets-114395987478?ref=estw
Cost: free
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Fiona Story