Book Panel: The Secret of Time: Reconfiguring Wisdom in the Dead Sea Scrolls (Brill, 2023), Dr Arjen Bakker

Please note this lecture will be at 17:15-19:00

In association with the David Patterson Lectures, the Seminar on Jewish History & Literature in the Graeco-Roman Period and Early Biblical Interpretation Seminar

Hindy Najman (Oriel); Paul Collins (Keeper of Middle East, British Museum and Oriel College), Judith Newman (University of Toronto), Noam Mizrahi (Hebrew University, Jerusalem), Sarit Kattan Gribetz (Fordham), Eibert Tigchelaar (KULeuven), Mladen Popović (Dean Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society, University of Groningen). Response: Dr Arjen Bakker

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