Quant Hub seminar: Comparative effects of college preparation and career preparation on educational attainment in Massachusetts, USA
Literature suggests that promoting equitable educational attainment may be one of the effective ways to address the historical inequities in American society, due to its positive association with an array of desirable outcomes. College preparation and career preparation in high school have both been shown to have positive effects on college enrollment, persistence, and completion, respectively. In Fall 2018, Massachusetts launched Early College and Innovation Career Pathways—a college preparation intervention and a career preparation intervention, respectively—to promote educational attainment and career success for all. This study uses generalized propensity score (GPS) inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) to gauge the comparative effects of participating in either program on college readiness, access, and success. Given that an emergent share of the literature and the United States government define college and career readiness collectively, findings and discussions of this paper explore variations in outcomes by intervention and by racial and socio-economic groups to inform policy and practice towards promoting educational attainment for all in Massachusetts high schools.

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Date: 25 November 2024, 13:00 (Monday, 7th week, Michaelmas 2024)
Venue: 15 Norham Gardens, 15 Norham Gardens OX2 6PY
Venue Details: Seminar Room A and Teams
Speaker: Pierre Lucien (University of Oxford)
Organising department: Department of Education
Organiser: Lars-Erik Malmberg (University of Oxford)
Part of: Quantitative Methods Hub – Seminar Programme MT 2024
Booking required?: Not required
Booking url: https://www.education.ox.ac.uk/quantitative-methods-hub-seminar-programme-mt-2024/
Cost: Free
Audience: Public
Editor: Kristina Khoo