Closing Reception: Species of Justice art exhibit
Global markets are expanding, undermining the conditions of life on earth. As the privileged few create cosmopolitan refuges in growing deserts, other peoples and creatures are living with slow violence and ongoing war. Industrial processes are uncoupling life from death, diminishing death’s capacity to channel vitality back to the living. Life is becoming non-life on a planetary scale. An unruly multitude is starting to destabilize anthropos—the figure of the unified human that has been imagined as the driving force of the Anthropocene. While some hold onto hopes for a post-human future—a world without us—this installation aims to expose and derail necropolitical assemblages with new bio-cultural articulations.

The Multispecies Justice Collaborative formed in a Zoom room, during the long months of the pandemic lockdown. Anthropologists, poets, science fiction authors, philosophers, geographers, and visual artists gathered to speculate about the possibilities of justice in more-than-human worlds. The Collaborative launched The Promise of Multispecies Justice book with a poster campaign, art exhibition, and event series in Mexico in December 2022. Initially the works work on display at Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla (7-10, 2022) and then they travelled to the community of Miguel Hidalgo in the highlands of Chiapas. Selected artworks and posters have travelled to Oxford where they have mixed and mingled with interventions related to justice by local creative agents.

Come to the final reception for this exhibit on 14 March, from 5:00-7:30, or stop by during business hours before the close of the show.
Date: 14 March 2024, 17:00 (Thursday, 9th week, Hilary 2024)
Venue: 51/53 Banbury Road, 51 Banbury Road OX2 6PE
Venue Details: Old Tylor Library
Speaker: Eben Kirksey
Organising department: School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography
Organiser contact email address:
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Public
Editor: Kate Atherton