Advances in Sentiment Analysis of the Large Mass-Media Documents
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Sentiment analysis is a task of authors’ opinion extraction towards objects mentioned in text. The constant and rapid growth of information makes manual analysis literally impossible. Initial approaches originating from microblogging shot text analysis. Such texts mostly tend to convey a single opinion towards the product or service, and hence could be treated as-it-is in analysis. However, once it comes to in a way more larger documents, the provided analysis is expected to be granular. In this talk we cover the advances of machine-learning approaches in sentiment analysis of large mass-media documents. We provide both evolution of the task over time including a survey of task-oriented models starting from the conventional linear classification approaches to the applications findings of the recently announced ChatGPT model.
Date: 9 February 2023, 14:30 (Thursday, 4th week, Hilary 2023)
Venue: Wolfson College, Linton Road OX2 6UD
Venue Details: Seminar Room 3 - The Academic Wing
Speaker: Dr. Nicolay Rusnachenko (Newcastle University)
Organising department: Wolfson College
Organisers: Prof. Antoniya Georgieva (University of Oxford), Dr. Yi Yin (University of Oxford)
Organiser contact email address:
Part of: Oxford Cross-Disciplinary Machine Learning (OxfordXML) Research Cluster Seminar Series
Booking required?: Not required
Booking url:
Cost: Free (cake, tea and coffee provided)
Audience: Public
Editor: Yi Yin