Lecture Five: Laboratory
This lecture explores the extent to which Ireland served as laboratory both for imperial rule and for resistance to that rule. Processes and practices of government, especially legal and landed ones and others relating to anglicisation, characterised from the mid-sixteenth century the implementation of English imperial authority in both Ireland and across the English empire. In addition to analysing influences and actions distinctive to English rule in Ireland, India and the Atlantic, it is important to acknowledge those shared more generally by early modern empires. Equally challenging is how we draw insights across time and make meaningful connections from the early modern into the modern period, rather than taking a teleological approach and reading history back from the present.

The recording of this lecture will appear here www.history.ox.ac.uk/event/the-james-ford-lectures-laboratory at 17:00 on Friday 19 February. The recording will be available for the whole of Hilary Term for viewing at your convenience.
Date: 19 February 2021, 17:00
Venue: Online
Speaker: Professor Jane Ohlymeyer (Trinity College, Dublin)
Organising department: Faculty of History
Part of: The James Ford Lectures in British History 2021: Ireland, empire, and the early modern world
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Public
Editor: Laura Spence