Flourishing despite Suffering: A Virtue-Related Path

In my talk I will suggest that the bearing of diverse pains within human life (physical, mental, spiritual, and so on) can be successfully addressed by applying to virtue development. Although this might be perceived as unrealistic by some perspectives, a few ethical models have underlined a positive relationship between suffering and flourishing. This purpose can be accomplished by maintaining that this possibility be mediated by virtue development in general (Miles 2019; Wright, Snow, & Warren 2020; Navarini, forthcoming), or by fostering specific clusters of virtues, such as the combination of courage, hope, and wisdom, as specific declinations of practical wisdom. The joint development of these three virtues appears to be a morally abductive hypothesis which might explain why some people cope with suffering better than others.

This event is organised by Dr Laura Langone, Visiting Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Oxford’s Sub-Faculty of German and funded through Dr Langone’s MSCA FUNDS, Grant Agreement nr. 101105454