Climate Justice Walks - Stories from the field
“It is the darkest paradox of our times that those who caused so little to the climate crisis have paid with life and livelihood, and yet they are able to show us, with just a little power and voice – a clear way forward to adapt and mitigate as well as deliver Justice.”
The University of Oxford is honoured to host Inspirational, global climate justice campaigner Pushpanath Krishnamurthy. As we continue delivery of activities across the University of Oxford to combat climate change – Green Impact, LEAF accreditation in our laboratories, and the roll out of our newly launched environmental sustainability strategy – today we have the opportunity to reflect on why these activities are so important. Push shares with us climate justice stories gathered from walking over 35 million steps, and meeting over 600,000 people during a series of epic walks in the UK and overseas since 2009.
About Push
Pushpanath – ‘Push’ – Krishnamurthy wears many hats. A British citizen, originally from Bangalore, India, Push spent three decades at the leading edge of development work across three continents, with NGOs such as Oxfam and Save the Children, and as a Senior Associate at the Indian non-profit organisation, Centre for Social Markets and Fairtrade work in India. At Oxfam he acquired legendary status for his pioneering work on campaigns, such as HIV/ AIDS, Make Trade Fair and Climate Change Hearings, which allowed ordinary people to tell policy makers about their direct experiences of climate change.
In this seminar marking Green Action Week Push shares with us the stories of his epic climate justice walks and what he learnt along the way by engaging with all sections of society ranging from: grassroot community groups, faith organisations, school children and teachers, farmers, lawyers, senior business leaders, and politicians.
· 2009 – Oxford UK, to Copenhagen, Denmark in advance of the UN Conference on Climate Change, COP15
· 2011 – walk in the Southern Indian state of Karnataka highlighting the plight of small producers impacted by climate change
· 2015/16 – 450km walk in India from the Bay of Bengal to the hills of Ooty during the Paris COP21
· 2012 – Oxfam “Grow” Fairtrade campaign walk in India
· 2021 – walk from London to COP26 in Glasgow
Following the seminar tea & coffee will be available next door in the combination room at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3RE. Access to the Dunn School is via an adjoining corridor to the MSTC building.
Push is truly inspirational and this event is not to be missed!
A Push for Peace – a climate activist’s epic march to Glasgow Cop-26:
Business fights poverty interview – December 2022
Twitter: @pushpan
To encourage staff and students to attend as many Green Action Week events as possible across the University, there will be a Green Action Week Raffle: Each event is assigned a unique code word. The raffle code word for this talk is activism!
22 February 2023, 14:00
Medical Sciences Teaching Centre, off South Parks Road OX1 3PL
Venue Details:
Goss Lecture Theatre
Pushpanath Krishnamurthy
Organising department:
Sir William Dunn School of Pathology
Jo Peel (University of Oxford, Sir William Dunn School of Pathology)
Organiser contact email address:
Head of Environment (University of Oxford)
Part of:
Oxford Green Action Week
Booking required?:
Not required
Members of the University only
Jo Peel