The "Care" Series - Reading: '“They Would Plant the Rose Garden Themselves”: Femme, Complicity, Solidarity, and the Rewiring of the Sensuous’
Please note change of venue
Reading: Mijke van der Drift and Nat Raha, “They Would Plant the Rose Garden Themselves”: Femme, Complicity, Solidarity, and the Rewiring of the Sensuous’. Social Text 42, no. 3 (2024): 75-100

What is “care” good for, and how best to apprehend it as a scholarly category? The “Care” Series gathers scholars of any discipline who are interested in reading and thinking about “care” together. Each session, we gather to discuss a short reading with the help of a local expert.

In meeting under the auspices of WGIQ (the Centre for Women’s, Gender, Identity and Queer History), we recognize the centrality of feminists to care thinking since the 1980s, the importance of care practices to queer and otherwise marginalized communities, the historicity of when different disciplines invested in the category, and the importance of multidisciplinary and inclusive approaches as we now proceed.

The Care Series is convened by Sarah Knott (History, St John’s College) and Lucile Richard (Political Theory, Nuffield).
Date: 4 March 2025, 11:30
Venue: St John's College, St Giles OX1 3JP
Venue Details: 21 St Giles
Speaker: Sneha Krishnan
Organising department: Faculty of History
Organisers: Sarah Knott (St John's College, Oxford), Lucile Richard (Nuffield College, Oxford)
Part of: Centre for Women’s, Gender, Identity, and Queer History events (WGIQ)[formerly known as CGIS].
Booking required?: Not required
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Belinda Clark