Low Incomes, Intergenerational Transfers and Household Wealth in Rich Countries
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The role of intergenerational transfers of wealth via inheritance and gifts inter vivos in the accumulation of household wealth and the generation of wealth inequality has been hotly debated, mainly with respect to the top of the distribution. This paper focuses instead on low-income households, assessing the role that transfers have played in influencing their current level of net wealth. This is done using microdata from the HFCS for Eurozone countries, together with the UK’s Wealth and Assets Survey and the US Survey of Consumer Finances. This comparative analysis sheds important new light on commonalities versus differences across rich countries in the extent, nature and impact of intergenerational transfers for low-income households, and provides a basis for discussion of policy options including a universal wealth endowment.
Date: 21 May 2020, 15:00
Venue: Virtual Seminar via Zoom (please register to attend)
Speakers: Juan C. Palomino (Employment, Equity and Growth Programme, INET Oxford), Professor Brian Nolan (Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School)
Organising department: Institute for New Economic Thinking
Organiser: Susan Mousley (INET Oxford Admin Team)
Organiser contact email address: events@inet.ox.ac.uk
Part of: INET Oxford Researcher Seminars
Booking required?: Required
Booking url: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcpduCqrzwvHtXkfx1bEQpcKVrTrvbEebOA
Audience: Members of the University only
Editor: Susan Mousley