13:30 Welcome
13:30 Gavin Band ’Evidence for genetic interaction in the human-malaria arms race’
13:50 Tanya Golubchik ‘Targeted metagenomics for largescale pathogen detection and sequencing’
14:10 Alex Mentzer ‘BioAID: using –omic technologies for diagnosing and prognosticating patients with sepsis’
14:30 Azim Ansari ‘Integrated analysis of paired host and virus genomes highlights the impact of innate and adaptive immune systems on the hepatitis C virus’
14:50 Sandy Douglas ‘Vaccine development, (mis)fits in a genetics centre’
15:10 Coffee break and discussion
15:30 Keynote: Prof. Christophe Fraser (BDI) ‘Using viral genomics to improve HIV prevention in sub Saharan Africa’