Oxford Biblical Hebrew Summer School 2018
Application forms may be downloaded from the Centre's website:
Closing date: Sunday 17th June, 2018 (Places are limited)
The Oxford Biblical Hebrew Summer School will take place at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies from August 13-24, 2018. The School offers ten days of intensive teaching in biblical Hebrew. The course corresponds to a term of intensive teaching for a full-time university student and is open to students with or without experience of the language.
The cost of the School is £325 per student for 30 hours of language instruction. This does not include any textbooks/workbooks, which the student will be expected to acquire for her/himself. The School is non-residential and there is no teaching at the weekends.
13 August 2018, 9:00
Clarendon Institute, Walton Street OX1 2HG
Venue Details:
Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies
Speaker: Various Speakers
Organising department:
Faculty of Theology and Religion
Booking required?:
Members of the University only
Andreia Gomes Da Costa Leite