The Middle East c.1960-1980 Global and Transnational Perspectives Webinar Series - Transnationalism in the Middle East
Full conference agenda can be found here:
Part of the The Middle East c.1960-1980 Global and Transnational Perspectives Webinar Series (Supported by Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute)

Talk details:

Challenging empire in the Persian Gulf: Transnational histories of revolution and liberation from Tehran to Dhofar – Marral Shamshiri-Fard

Claiming Human Rights: Iranian political prisoners and the making of a transnational movement, 1963-79 – Golnar Nikpour

Palestine and the PFLP as Revolutionary Actants for the Nihon Sekigun [Japanese Red Army] – Jeremy Randall

Revolutionary Horizons: The Movement of Arab Nationalists and the Marxist Turn in the Arabian Gulf and Palestine – Fadi Kafeety
Date: 18 October 2021, 17:00
Speakers: Marral Shamshiri-Fard, Jeremy Randall, Fadi Kafeety, Dr Toby Matthiesen (LSE), Golnar Nikpour
Organising department: Middle East Centre
Organiser: Middle East Centre
Host: Middle East Centre
Part of: The Middle East c.1960-1980 Global and Transnational Perspectives
Booking required?: Required
Booking url:
Audience: Public
Editor: Stacey Churcher