Printing, Type and Typographical Design

To my bibliographer, notes and observations concerning books I have printed (or intend to), pertaining to: Bewick, Carlyle, Chili, Curry, Keats, Levista, Wordsworth and War.

David Esslemont is an artist, designer, printer, bookbinder and publisher. He was Controller of Gwasg Gregynog (1985–1997) and has won many book design awards including the Felice Feliciano International Award for Book Design. In 2012 he won the Winneshiek Winery’s chili cook-off near his home in northeast Iowa, and his subsequent
book Chili: a recipe won the Printmaking Today “Innovation in Printing” award at the 2013 Oxford Fine Press Book Fair. Esslemont designed the book-stamp for the Bodleian’s Special Collections in 1979.